The Environmental Protection Agency (AAA) announced that at 10 a.m. air quality was the most affected in Vilnius’ Žirmūnai and Kaunas’ Dainava neighbourhoods, as well as in Šiauliai, Panevėžys, Mažeikiai, Naujoji Akmenė, Kėdainiai and Jonava cities.

According to experts, meteorological conditions for pollution to dissipate will remain unchanged on Monday and Tuesday, and air quality will still be poor as no precipitation is forecast with medium strength southeastern winds.

A reduction in air pollution may be expected only on Wednesday.

Healthcare experts advise people to refrain from intense physical activities outdoors or use respiratory protective measures if outdoor activities cannot be avoided. It is also advised to close windows, clean surfaces and monitor one’s state of health.

The AAA reported earlier that air pollution occurred not only due to local sources but also as a result of forest and peat fires in neighbouring Belarus.

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