Last year, based on provisional data, absolute (100 percent) alcohol consumption per resident aged 15 and older amounted to 11 litres.

Retail sales of spirits, fermented beverages and wine decreased, while beer – increased.

In 2023, the country’s retail trade and catering enterprises sold 3.1 million dekalitres of spirits (vodka, whisky, brandy, etc.), which is by 25.5 thousand dekalitres (0.8%) less than in 2022, and 4.2 million dekalitres of wine and fermented beverages, which is by 181.5 thousand dekalitres (4.2%) less than in 2022. Just as every year, the bulk of sales fell within beer – 20.8 million dekalitres, or by 1,178.8 thousand dekalitres (6%) more than in 2022.

In 2023, against 2022, retail prices of alcoholic beverages grew by 10.6%, with the largest increase observed in prices of beer produced in Lithuania – 14.7%, imported beer – 13.7%, vermouth – 13.2%, fruit wine – 10.6%, sparkling grape wine – 10%, vodka produced in Lithuania – 9.7%, bitter – 6.8%. The growth in prices of alcoholic beverages was conditioned by a higher excise duty applied since 1 January 2023.

In 2023, the production of all alcoholic beverages was decreasing.

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