According to Lithuania’s electricity transmission system operator Litgrid, electricity consumption in the country last week decreased by 1% from 202 to 199 GWh.

Electricity generation by local power plants satisfied 61% of the country’s electricity consumption demand.

On 13-19 May, Lithuania generated 121 GWh of electricity, by 18% less than the previous week, when 148 GWh of electricity was generated.

Last week, Lithuanian solar power plants generated 44% of all electricity in Lithuania, wind farms – 16%, hydroelectric power plants – 17%, thermal power plants – 17% and other power plants – 6%.

Electricity import increased by 23%, from 118 to 145 GWh last week. 60% of the amount was imported from Scandinavia through the NordBalt power interconnection, 5% – from Latvia and 35% – from Poland.

Electricity flow from Lithuania rose by 16% from 28 to 33 GWh. 88% of electricity was exported to Latvia and 12% to Poland via the LiPol Link.

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