According to independent electricity supplier Elektrum Lietuva, the average electricity price on the Nord Pool power market rose by 9% to EUR 29.86/MWh.

In June, compared with May, electricity consumption in the Baltic States decreased by 4% to 1,878 GWh. Lithuania consumed by 2% more electricity or 913 GWh in total. Latvia consumed by 8% less electricity or 443 GWh, Estonia by 12% less or 522 GWh.

In June, compared with May, electricity generation in the Baltic countries decreased by 21% to 1,178 GWh. Lithuania generated by 7% less electricity or 597 GWh in total, Latvia by 60% less or 168 GWh, Estonia by 4% less or 413 GWh.

In June, the Baltic States generated 63% of electricity needed for consumption. Electricity generation in Lithuania satisfied 65% of the country’s electricity consumption demand, compared with 38% in Latvia and 79% in Estonia.

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