According to independent electricity supplier Elektrum Lietuva, electricity prices increased due to disparity in electricity consumption and generation. Consumption rose by 3%, whereas generation dropped by 12%. This was caused by 28% and 18% reduction in electricity generation by solar and hydroelectric power plants respectively.

Electricity consumption in the Nord Pool power market region last week stood at 6,495 GWh, while generation was 7,043 GWh.

On 1-7 July, compared with the previous week, electricity consumption in the Baltic States increased by 3% to 443 GWh. Lithuania consumed by 1% more electricity or 216 GWh in total, Latvia by 8% more or 107 GWh, while Estonia by 3% more or 120 GWh.

Electricity generation in the Baltic countries last week decreased by 12% to 256 GWh. Lithuania generated by 2% less electricity or 148 GWh in total, Latvia by 14% less or 38 GWh, while Estonia by 28% less or 70 GWh.

Last week, all three countries on aggregate generated 57% of electricity required for consumption. Lithuania’s electricity generation satisfied 68% of local consumption needs, compared with 35% in Latvia and 58% in Estonia.

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