In January-March, in the Capital Region, average gross monthly earnings in the whole economy (individual enterprises excluded) stood at EUR 2,398.8 and, compared to the fourth quarter of 2023, increased by 3.4%. In the Central and Western Lithuania Region, gross earnings amounted to EUR 1,963.3 and, over a quarter, grew by 1.4%. In Q1 2024, gross earnings gap between these regions was EUR 435.5 and, over a quarter, increased by EUR 52.

Average net (after employee tax) monthly earnings in the Capital Region totalled EUR 1,468.1 and, against Q4 quarter 2023, grew by 3.2%, and in the Central and Western Lithuania Region, it amounted to EUR 1,233.3 (increased by 2.4%).

Over a quarter, average gross monthly earnings in the whole economy went up in all counties – from 0.4% in Alytus county to 6.1% in Tauragė county.

The highest gross earnings (EUR 2,398.8) were received by employees of enterprises, institutions and organisations in Vilnius county, the lowest (EUR 1,723.6) – in Utena county.

Changes in earnings were influenced by increased minimum monthly wage since 1 January 2024, increased minimum basic salary coefficients of employees of budgetary institutions, change in the procedure for the calculation of the tax-exempt amount of income and other reasons.

In Q1 2024, an increase in gross earnings was recorded in most municipalities

In the first quarter 2024, compared to the previous quarter, an increase in average gross monthly earnings was recorded in 43 municipalities – from 0.1 (Klaipėda c. mun. and Trakai d. mun.) to 7.5% (Jurbarkas d. mun.).

The highest gross earnings (EUR 2,478.7) were earned by employees of enterprises, institutions and organisations in Vilnius city municipality. In this municipality, average gross monthly earnings exceeded the national average by EUR 317.7.

The lowest gross earnings (EUR 1,463.6) were earned by employees of enterprises, institutions and organisations in Zarasai district municipality, where gross earnings were by EUR 1,015.1 lower than in Vilnius city municipality.

Over a year (Q1 2024, against Q1 2023), average gross monthly earnings rose in all municipalities from 3.9 to 19.8%.

Changes in earnings were influenced by the following changes since 1 January 2024: increased minimum basic salary coefficients of employees of budgetary institutions, change in the procedure for the calculation of the tax‑exempt amount of income and other reasons.

In Q1 2024, the average number of employees increased in fifty municipalities

In the Capital Region, the average number of employees over a quarter grew by 1.1%, in the Central and Western Lithuania Region – 1.4%. Over a year, an increase in the average number of employees was recorded in the following regions: in the Capital Region – by 2.1, in the Central and Western Lithuania Region – 1.2%

Over a quarter, the average number of employees increased in 50 municipalities – from 0.1 (Panevėžys c. mun., Pasvalys d. mun., Ignalina d. mun. and Elektrėnai mun.) to 7.3% (Neringa mun.), in 9 municipalities it fell from 0.1 to 6.6%, in Raseiniai mun. – remained almost unchanged.

Over a year, the average number of employees grew in 31 municipalities – from 0.2% (Birštonas mun.) to 10.1% (Kaunas d. mun.). In the remaining 29 municipalities, the average number of employees decreased from 0.1% (Molėtai d. mun. and Švenčionys d. mun.) to 4.7% (Šilutė d. mun.).

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