In 2023, average gross monthly earnings in the whole economy (individual enterprises included) totalled EUR 2,013.8 and, compared to 2022, increased by 12.6%: in the public sector, average gross monthly earnings totalled EUR 2,115.6 (increased by 13.1%), in the private sector – EUR 1,973.1 (increased by 12.4%).

Over the year, average gross monthly earnings in the whole economy rose in enterprises, institutions and organisations of all economic activities, from 5% (real estate activities) to 22.7% (administrative and support service activities).

Average net (after employee tax) monthly earnings in the whole economy amounted to EUR 1,249 and, against 2022, increased by 11.4%: in the public sector, it amounted to EUR 1,306.9 (increased by 12%), in the private sector – EUR 1,225.8 (increased by 11.2%).

In 2023, against 2022, index of real earnings in the whole economy made up 102.1%: in the public sector – 102.7, in the private sector – 101.9%.

Increase in earnings in 2023 was influenced by increased basic wages for politicians, judges, civil servants, public service employees and employees of budgetary institutions, increased minimum monthly wage, change in the procedure for the calculation of the tax–exempt amount of income, and other reasons.

In 2023, the average number of employees in the whole economy increased by 18 thousand

In 2023, the average number of employees in the whole economy (individual enterprises included) totalled 1 million 364.3 thousand: in the public sector – 362.8 thousand (26.6% of total number of employees in the whole economy), in the private sector – 1 million 1.4 thousand (73.4%). Compared to 2022, the average number of employees in the whole economy went up by 18 thousand (1.3%): in the public sector – increased by 1.1 thousand (0.3%), in the private sector – increased by 16.8 thousand (1.7%).

Change in the average number of employees differed among economic activities. The largest decrease in the average number of employees was recorded in manufacturing (5.6 thousand), while increase – transportation and storage activities (10.2 thousand).

In 2023, the number of part‑time employees totalled 233.5 thousand (17.1% of the total number of employees in the whole economy) and, compared to 2022, increased by 12.2 thousand (5.5%).

In 2023, gross earnings gap between regions was EUR 411.6

In 2023, the largest average gross monthly earnings were recorded in the Capital Region (EUR 2,241) and, compared to 2022, increased by 11.9%. In the Central and Western Lithuania Region, gross earnings increased by 12.9% and amounted to EUR 1,829.4. In 2023, gross earnings gap between these regions amounted to EUR 411.6.

In 2023, compared to the previous year, the average gross monthly earnings increased in all counties – from 11.5% in Kaunas to 17.6% in Tauragė counties.

Over a year, the average gross monthly earnings increased in all municipalities – from 6.6% in Jonava to 21.6% in Varėna municipalities.

In 2023, the largest average gross monthly earnings were recorded in Vilnius city (EUR 2,317.2), the smallest – in Zarasai district municipality (EUR 1,407.4). The gap in earnings between Vilnius city and Zarasai district municipality stood at EUR 909.8.

In Vilnius and Kaunas city municipalities, the average gross monthly earnings exceeded the national average gross monthly earnings by EUR 303 and EUR 79 respectively.

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