„Investments in the Lithuanian economy [will be provided – ELTA] through loans, financing, reinvestment and risk-taking. We want to continue that important mission, but with a new name that reflects our customer orientation,“ CEO of Invega Dainius Vilčinskas said Tuesday, in an event held to present changes at the company.

He underlined that Invega aims to become a pro-active organisation, one that „approaches its client actively“.

„We want the voice of clients to be heard when dealing with ministries (&) We want Invega to be close to the clients, to hear the needs of the clients, to be the voice of the clients to express their needs,“ the CEO stated.

By 2026, the institution plans to lend around EUR 2.77 billion, including around EUR 1.6 billion earmarked for business. Around EUR 309 million would go for housing renovation and other areas of the public sector, according to Vilčinskas. The rest of the funds would be invested in the development of renewable energies and agriculture and fisheries.

The CEO of Invega also revealed that part of the funding is earmarked for the defence industry.

Deputy Finance Minister Vaida Markevičienė highlighted that the company has a greater leverage to attract private funds after the Government increased its authorised capital by four times in May, from EUR 50 million to EUR 200 million.

Invega is a state-owned financial institution that provides financial services, implements and manages financing instruments for business, the public sector and agriculture and fisheries.

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