The company is present in some of the biggest ports and most important trading hubs in 11 regions. Greencarrier Service Center provides full financial and centralized logistics operational services to Group internal clients located in the Nordic and Baltics countries. Currently, Greencarrier Service Center is starting to develop new innovative solutions, including Robotic Process Automation (RPA). In fact, Greencarrier will be the first Shared Service Centre in Klaipeda to have a pilot RPA project.

“Even though see efficiency and cost improvements from re-locating work from the Nordics to our Servie Centre we see a potiential in RPA to handle repetitive and non value-adding tasks. We want all our employees, of course also in the Service Centre, to handle meaningful, value adding and developing tasks“, says Svante Johansson, chief financial officer at Greencarrier.

Mantas Katinas, the managing director of Invest Lithuania is delighted that Greencarrier is strengthening their presence in Klaipeda and valuing the efficiency and competences of the local talent pool.

“Greencarrier was one of the trailblazers in the Global Business Services industry in Klaipėda. Since 2013 the company not only witnessed but also added to the rapid growth of the city’s maturity in business. We are happy to see that the company sees the great potential of Klaipėda’s city and its people”, Katinas says.

Over 70% of company’s employees have studied and graduated in Klaipeda city, therefore Greencarrier actively collaborates with local education institutions. Half of the personnel has finished studies in Lithuanian Maritime Academy or in Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences.

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