„We are taking another step towards a new infrastructure for cruise shipping in the Port of Klaipėda. Investing in the new terminal is not only about meeting the needs of the ships growing sizes, but also about creating value for the city of Klaipėda and its residents. I believe that the new terminal will improve the city’s infrastructure, will be an attractive public space for both tourists and residents, and at the same time it will become a symbol of the Port of Klaipėda, which will be visible both in the city’s urban panorama and from the Curonian Spit,“ says Algis Latakas, director general of Klaipėda Port Authority.

A new cruise ship terminal is planned to be developed on a plot of land owned by the Port Authority in trust, in the central part of the city, where existing quays will be reconstructed, new quays will be built, and the depths of the basin will be adapted to the new needs. The new terminal will also include an administrative building to house the Port Authority. The ground floor of the building will include cafés and a conference room, also there will be a rooftop observation deck. It is also planned to be built a new marina.

The new cruise ship terminal area will also become a new attraction for Klaipėda residents and visitors to the lagoon. It will create an attractive venue for port events, an open amphitheatre oriented towards the water, pedestrian and cycling paths, spaces for recreation and events.

The design of the new cruise ship terminal was finalised at the end of last year. The project was prepared by UAB Statybos inžinierių konsultantų biuras (Office of Consulting Structural Engineers). Project authors: Gintaras Čaikauskas, Andrius Keizikas, Arnas Deltuva, Viktoras Čeika, Jokūbas Augutis.

The screening procedures for the assessment of potential environmental impacts were carried out by the Public Enterprise Seaside Research and Planning Institute.

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