To commence this transition, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed with the Swiss company Proman, one of the world’s largest producers and suppliers of methanol. This cooperation will help the Port of Klaipėda in the planning, design and implementation of future methanol bunkering and the potential development of a methanol-to-power project for shore side power (SSE) in or near the Klaipėda port.

“The number of ships powered by alternative fuels has been growing every year. With both shipowners and ports obliged to reduce their annual emissions, alternatively fuelled ships are becoming increasingly more integrated into the shipping sector. Last year, 275 alternative fuel ships were ordered worldwide. Ports need to make decisions today to keep pace and to offer alternative fuel hubs to shipping lines in time. The Port of Klaipėda is taking proactive steps to ensure the deployment of alternative fuels and to gain knowledge and know-how in the alternative energy industry. Together, we are building a network of partners and stakeholders who could potentially participate in various stages of green energy projects”, says Algis Latakas, CEO of Klaipėda State Seaport Authority.

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