The EU unemployment rate was 6.0% in June 2024, stable compared with May 2024 as well as with June 2023.

Eurostat estimates that 13.258 million persons in the EU, of whom 11.122 million in the euro area, were unemployed in June 2024. Compared with May 2024, unemployment increased by 52 thousand in the EU and by 41 thousand in the euro area.

Compared with June 2023, unemployment increased by 188 thousand in the EU and by 81 thousand in the euro area.

In Lithuania, 131 thousand people were unemployed in June this year, up by 9 thousand in May and 33 thousand more than in June 2023.

Spain continues to record the highest unemployment rate which was 11.5 in June. The lowest unemployment rate – 2.7% – was observed in the Czech Republic.

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