Organized for the second year in a row, Kaunas Piano Fest is a young yet ambitious international piano festival and masterclasses. Launched by pianists Monika Mašanauskaitė and Robertas Lozinskis to build an international centre for musical excellence in their hometown Kaunas, the event aims to bring young, emerging pianists from all over the world to improve their performing skills, mental toughness, stage presence, body awareness skills.

From July 12 to July 20, in addition to concerts open for public and piano classes with renowned teachers, the project offers group lectures and seminars touching on relevant topics.

A unique aspect of this festival is in providing young performers with a significant opportunity to give a solo recital which requires an enormous amount of physical and psychological work from the pianist. Participants of the festival benefit immensely from such an opportunity.

The free concerts are held in different venues around Lithuania. Organizers look for authentic, unusual performance venues to attract listeners to lesser-known undiscovered sites.

The opening of the festival is scheduled for July 12. The spotlight of the event at VMU Aula Magna will be on Alexandra Mazurkevich (Estonia/Germany), a laureate of numerous international piano competitions and the winner audience award at the inaugural Kaunas Piano Fest. She has prepared a programme of music by Johann Sebastian Bach. The gala concert will take place on July 20 in Kaunas St. Michael the Archangel Church, also known as Soboras, which is one of the landmarks of Kaunas.

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