The newly released book titled Prezidentas Gitanas Nausėda iš arti (President Gitanas Nausėda Up Close) was authored by writer and journalist Laima Lavaste.

"There were things that I wanted to say, and I wanted to say them very sincerely, without any particular pathos, without adding to what was not there. There were moments that I experienced very strongly and that I may never experience so strongly again in my life," Nausėda told reporters in the country’s key annual book event which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year.

"First of all, the eve of the war in Ukraine, the NATO summit in Lithuania, which is probably also the high note of our century-long history (...). All this went into the book, and so did one other photograph – including one about my childhood, and photographs that I myself had long forgotten, that I had just resurrected from memory," he said, adding it is now up to readers to evaluate the work.

Former Lithuanian presidents had also published biographical books, just after leaving the office.

When asked about this, Nausėda noted that the book was about his first term in office and hinted that a second book could follow his second and final term.

The 400-page book will be released by the publishing house Petro ofsetas.

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