According to the most recent update, 155140 guests used accommodation services in our city and spent a total of 280888 nights here. It’s a whopping 11% growth compared to the same period last year.
66.9% of guests that stayed in Kaunas came from abroad. The top 5 countries the guests arrived from are Germany (+18%), Poland (+33%), Russia (+6%), Latvia (+17%) and Finland (+91%).
Significant numbers of tourists from Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Estonia, Belarus and Italy are also included in the statistics.
The number of travellers from Israel guests has doubled (+101%). On average, Israeli guests stayed in Kaunas for two nights.
69.1% of rooms in Kaunas hotels were booked during the first six months of 2019, with significant numbers in May (81.3%) and June (80.2%).
The Kaunas IN Tourism information centre has attracted most visitors in June (12002 visitors) and May (12027 visitors). Our most frequent visitors are guests from Germany, Russia, Ukraine and Poland.