An overwhelming number — 95.4% — of the 21 831 bathing water sites monitored in the 28 EU Member States met the minimum quality requirements under EU rules, according to this year's report by the European Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA). In addition, 300 bathing sites monitored in Albania and Switzerland were also included in the report.
In four countries, 95% or more of bathing sites were found to have excellent water quality: Cyprus (99.1% of all sites), Malta (98.9% of all sites), Austria (97.3% of all sites), and Greece (97% of all sites).
All reported bathing water sites in Cyprus, Greece, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Romania, and Slovenia were of at least sufficient quality in 2018.
The three countries with the highest numbers of poor quality bathing water sites are Italy (89 bathing water sites or 1.6%), France (54 sites or 1.6%) and Spain (50 sites or 2.2%). In comparison with 2017, the number of poor quality bathing water sites in France decreased (from 80 in 2017 to 54 in 2018), while there was an increase in poor quality bathing waters in Italy (from 79 to 89) and in Spain (from 38 to 50).
According to the report, in the season 2018, Lithuania identified and reported 117 bathing waters, which is 0.5% of all bathing waters in Europe. 99 had excellent quality, 11 - good, 2 - sufficient, 1 - poor, and 4 - not classified.