Across the European Union (EU), 86% citizens are satisfied with life on average.

Among those polled, 36% saw inflation as the biggest problem in their country. Healthcare and the international situation were named as ones of the major issues by 25% and 20% respondents respectively, slightly more than last year.

Sixty-seven percent said they tend to trust the European Union, well-above EU average of 51%, and 59% indicated that they have a positive image of the EU.

In Lithuania, 76% approve of providing military and financial aid to Ukraine. The number dropped by 7% over the year. The view towards sanctions against Russia (78% approve) and Ukraine’s EU membership (74% approve) remain almost unchanged.

The majority of Lithuanians (83%) consider Russia a threat to European security, while 82% believe that the EU is defending European values by backing Ukraine. In addition, 80% of respondents in Lithuania and an average of 69% of EU citizens are in favour of boosting the EU’s military industry.

The EU should spend more on defence, according to 72% of the Lithuanians and 64% of EU citizens on the average.

Among those polled, 83% of Lithuanians have a negative attitude towards Russia, compared to 80% of EU citizens on average.

The pollster interviewed 1,018 Lithuanian respondents aged 15 and older in person. The survey has a margin of up to 3.1%.

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