„The text [of the communique] will reflect (&) that Ukraine’s integration in NATO is an irreversible process. This is a sort of a bridge from the current situation and future membership,“ Nausėda told reporters in Washington, DC.

„This is a compromise, which NATO could offer to Ukrainians, and the Ukrainian side agreed with such wording,“ the president added.

According to the head of state, if Ukraine joined the Alliance now, NATO would have to apply Article 5 on collective defence,

„Today NATO is not ready to say more than it has done. Commitment to Article 5 means that measures would have to be taken here and now. How this would be done even if sending troops to Ukraine is still a taboo on NATO level?“ said Nausėda.

According to the president, the idea to send military instructors to Ukraine will remain „hanging in the air“ following French parliamentary elections as some parties have reservations and question the initiative.

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