Staff of the State Territorial Planning and Construction Inspectorate (VTPSI) visited Borisov’s estate and viewed the land plot, where they found engineering structures, cooling and air conditioning systems leading underground, suggesting that there may be unlawful structures underground. However, inspectors were not allowed to enter the premises in question. The officials instructed the underground structures to be dug out by 6 June so they could be examined to determine if they were built legally.

Inspectors, who were accompanied by police officers, assume that the underground structure is 3 metres wide and 300 metres long. Earlier, suspicion was raised that this might be a shooting range.

Borisov is communicating with Lithuanian institutions through his lawyers.

News website reports that in 2016 the VTPSI searched Borisov’s estate for the unlawful underground building but failed to find it. As a result, geophysicists were hired and determined that there indeed is a building underground. However, at that time an entrance could not be found. It is now thought that the entrance is in one of over ground houses.

Parliament’s Anticorruption Commission earlier this year launched a probe regarding the matter. It assumes that the underground structure may pose a threat to Lithuania’s national security. Finally, the VTPSI reopened its probe.

According to Delfi, land plots in question in Trakai district are owned by the company Geovika, led by Jūratė Vainikonienė. Borisov was the company’s shareholder when it was established.

In April, the Regional Administrative Court ruled that Borisov poses a threat to Lithuania’s national security. His residence permit in Lithuania was annulled and he was barred from entering the country for 5 years.

Borisov appealed against the decision of the Migration Department to court, but the complaint was rejected as baseless.

Moreover, in May, the Regional Administrative Court upheld a ruling recognising aviation sector company Aviabaltika, founded by Borisov, as failing to meet Lithuania’s national security interests. The firm cooperated with companies of the Russian and Belarusian military industrial complex.

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