Gitanas Nausėda and presidents of Latvia and Estonia, Edgars Rinkēvičs and Alar Karis, are paying a working visit to Chisinau on Tuesday on the occasion of Moldova’s Independence Day celebrations.

In the declaration, the presidents of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia underline their support for Moldova’s European integration, highlight Moldova’s significance for the security and stability of the region, and affirm their commitment to expanding bilateral relations with the country.

„Twenty years ago, the Baltic States joined the European Union. This was a pivotal moment in our history, leading to a transformation in all spheres of life. EU membership has strengthened the rule of law and democracy in our countries, increased security, and enriched the lives of our people. It has brought economic growth and development, modernization of infrastructure, social development and cultural prosperity to our countries,“ the declaration by the Baltic leaders reads.

In their joint declaration, the presidents of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia expressed their unity with Moldova and their support for the country’s aspirations for European integration.

„Moldova has made significant progress on its path to European integration. We commend the efforts of the Moldovan people and the leadership of political authorities in implementing democratic reforms, strengthening the rule of law, and ensuring human rights,“ the declaration states.

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