„The geopolitical situation dictates that we do not have any luxury to waste time. Therefore, all attention must be devoted to deterrence and defence of the entire NATO alliance. Lithuanian military’s strong collective defence commitments are the main priorities,“ Vaikšnoras said in parliament.

The brigadier general also stressed the importance of continuing the ongoing and planned capability integration, manning of units with personnel and military readiness.

In addition, Vaikšnoras expressed support for universal conscription, saying that it should be introduced gradually, taking into account the available infrastructure, training areas and instructors.

The brigadier general also emphasised the need to enhance air defence. According to him, experience of Ukraine demonstrated the importance of all systems, but air defence being one of the most crucial, while today Lithuania has many gaps in this regard. He said acquisition of new air defence batteries would help protect combat units and reception points of host nation support.

President’s chief national security adviser Kęstutis Budrys told the media that President Gitanas Nausėda chose the candidate who would be a rallying figure, including the political spectrum.

Tenure of incumbent Chief of Defence General Valdemaras Rupšys expires in July. If approved, Vaikšnoras would be appointed to the position for a five-year term on 24 July.

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