„Without a doubt, the new portfolio is very closely linked to how the European Union, the Commission and its president feel about these huge challenges posed by the recent developments on the European continent – Russia’s war against Ukraine and the grave security crisis,“ Kubilius told reporters at the European Parliament on Tuesday.

„This is the reason why the EU defence and security priority is identified by Ursula von der Leyen as one of the key priorities, next to competitiveness,“ he added.

The long-standing politician said he realised the enormous responsibility he had been entrusted with by getting a completely new role in the EU executive body.

He recalled that the area of defence was previously assigned to a vice president of the European Commission in charge of foreign affairs and security.

„The portfolio is in that priority area. I hope this will mean that we all will work shoulder-to-shoulder, and particularly together with Ursula von der Leyen, because such leadership will be very much needed,“ Kubilius said.

The Conservative also stated the defence portfolio will provide „added value“ to NATO and its individual members by providing additional financial resources and a legal framework for building up military capabilities. This is why, Kubilius says, he sees this portfolio as „not about money but about responsibility“.

Kubilius said his key task would be to create a single defence market in the EU, reducing the existing fragmentation.

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