„We know where he is. I have to be very careful here. I can only say that he is on the enemy side,“ Kasčiūnas told reporters outside the Government building on Wednesday.

The minister added he could not go into details at this point.

„They can cause damage to serious matters,“ Kasčiūnas merely said.

Video blogger Skirmantas Malinauskas was the first to report activities of the Lithuanian man, who had lived in the district of Jurbarkas. The local newspaper Šviesa shared the information later.

„Kvietkus has posted clear evidence of how he is fighting on Russia’s side – images from the battlefield, various videos and photos from Russia,“ the Jurbarkas-based newspaper wrote.

Kvietkus posted his last video on Facebook on 1 July, it said. He was seen in the video firing an automatic grenade launcher in a uniform in the colours of the Russian army. Before shooting, Kvietkus shouts in Russian: „Glory to Russa, greetings to Biden!“.

The information covered by the public reports is currently being investigated by the Prosecutor General’s Office.

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