The recommendation was made taking into account geopolitical, disinformation and data protection risks. Nonetheless, the possibility of online voting may be considered in the future, when risks can be mitigated.

Cost analysis revealed that development, introduction and maintenance of the online voting system would require around EUR 20.6 million in a period of 13 years. Development of the system would cost EUR 3.9 million, licensing EUR 9.7 million and maintenance EUR 7 million. Yet it is believed that online voting would allow saving costs in the long run.

However, the study concluded that online voting would not have a major impact on voter turnout, as those who are voting would continue doing so, while those who do not come to the ballots would not vote even using the internet.

It is also thought that online voting would increase the risks of cyberattacks due to the current geopolitical situation, which would be aimed at undermining the legitimacy of online votes.

In addition, the study concluded that personal data leak is another risk related to online voting.

The study was carried out by UAB Civitta and the e-Governance Academy Foundation.

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