"It will all depend on the pace of the discussions. I would like it very much that we could bring it (to the Seimas) in April," the minister told Žinių radijas on Thursday.
"We will seek to present the whole package at once," he said.
Šadžius added that proposals to amend the Law on the Defence Fund will also be tabled together to provide for the use of additional funds for projects related to Lithuania’s security.
"When we submit amendments to the tax laws, we will also submit amendments to the Law on the Defence Fund, which will set out how the additional revenue would go to the Defence Fund," he said.
A parliamentary working group has already submitted its position on the proposed tax changes to the Ministry of Finance,which will submit the final text to the Coalition Council.
On Tuesday, some MPs revealed that alternatives will be put forward as to the rates of property and corporate taxes. An agreement in principle has been reached on a new sugar tax on sweet drinks, they said.
MPs also plan to submit proposals for higher environmental taxes and progressive taxation of gambling.
The proposed changes reportedly aim at taxing personal income by its size rather than its type. A total of three personal income tax (GPM) rates have been discussed so far.