„The Freedom Party will see itself in a coalition that would make it possible to implement the party’s programme. Being just an extra in the hall of the Seimas or the Government’s sitting has never been the case for the Freedom Party and will never be,“ Armonaitė told Žinių radijas on Thursday.

„If the coalition accepted the Freedom Party’s priorities and programme, I would like to finish our work, for example, to pass the civil union [bill],“ she said.

However, according to Armonaitė, it may turn out to be impossible to adopt the law, with the Social Democrats refusing to back the same-sex partnership initiative.

„The situation has become impossible, even with the Homeland Union securing two more votes, if the SocDems say they are against the civil union now,“ the party leader said.

The civil union bill needs a final vote at the Seimas. It is unclear when the draft law will return to the Parliament’s agenda.

In August, Social Democrat MP Gintautas Paluckas argued that the majority in the current or future Seimas would not support the law on same-sex partnerships. It is futile to discuss it and irritate the public, he said.

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