"Taking into account the situation we are in, the situation in the defence industry, existing challenges, where we are with the planned funding, today the response was not inspiring or pleasing. It was concluded that by 2030, if the situation does not change, the national division will not be able to reach the full operational capability. If the conditions do not change, we will be able to reach it in 2036-2040," Budrys said after a meeting of the State Defence Council on Tuesday.

According to the president’s adviser, the State Defence Council asked Chief of Defence General Raimundas Vaikšnoras to present his opinion on the matter.

"We realise that the terms are not acceptable. Therefore, the State Defence Council asked the chief of defence to submit proposals on the required structural changes, (&) to provide proposals on funding needs and to make certain corrections concerning the concept of the country’s armed defence," said the president’s adviser.

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