It has transpired that Gentvilas and Landsbergis met at a restaurant in Vilnius. The former assured ELTA that candidature to the European Commission was not discussed, but the two talked about Gentvilas’ criticism of the Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD), the party Landsbergis leads.

Čmilytė-Nielsen told ELTA that last week a meeting of the coalition took place but the foreign minister could not attend as he was away. She confirmed that on 2 July Landsbergis met with her and, later, with MP Gentvilas. The parliament speaker said such meetings are normal part of political work and they discussed work of the coalition and recent political developments.

“We had a normal working discussion, which happens all the time,” said Čmilytė-Nielsen.

However, she admitted that the issue of nomination of a European commissioner was also touched upon. The parliament speaker said the conversation was limited to posts in the European Commission that would interest Lithuania the most.

Moreover, when the parliament speaker returned from Ukraine, she met with President Gitanas Nausėda on 21 June. Among other issues, the appointment of a European commissioner was addressed.

According to Čmilytė-Nielsen, Landsbergis is a potential candidate to join the European Commission as he both leads one of coalition parties and is the foreign minister.

She added that time is not an ally and Lithuania should faster decide whom to appoint to the European Commission, and she has raised this matter with the prime minister.

According to the parliament speaker, the issue has to be resolved between the Government and the president first. The prime minister has to present the candidate to the president and only then a vote at the Seimas will be held.

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