It defines the legal status of German soldiers, civil personnel and their family members in Lithuania, as well as provision of civil services like healthcare, transport and education to soldiers’ children.

The bilateral agreement encompasses not only the rules for arrival and departure of the German brigade, but also authorises German soldiers to access Lithuanian military infrastructure facilities, defines the taxation system applied to the German military forces and personnel. For instance, tax exemptions will apply to German canteens and shops. These may also be used by troops from other NATO countries participating in joint operations or training with an exception of Lithuania.

The agreement was signed by Minister of National Defence of Lithuania Laurynas Kasčiūnas, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Survila, Minister of Defence of Germany Boris Pistorius and Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office Tobias Lindner.

The document will have to be ratified by parliaments of both countries. The Seimas is expected to ratify it in 26 September.

In summer of 2022, responding to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Germany committed to deploy a brigade-size unit in Lithuania. Approximately 5,000 German troops and civilians will be stationed in Lithuania, some arriving with their families.

The majority of the brigade is expected to arrive in Lithuania by 2026. Minister Pistorius has said that the brigade is planned to reach its full operational capacity in 2027.

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