Minister Dobrowolska said at the press conference that the Special Tribunal should not be just regional as this is an international issue and functioning of international law has to be safeguarded.

Even though discussions on the Special Tribunal have lasted for several years, Ukraine believes it is possible to implement the idea. Ambassador of Ukraine to Lithuania Petro Beshta called to create the Special Tribunal not only to ensure justice for the victims of Russian aggression but also to prevent acts of aggression in the future.

In turn, Secretary General of the Council of Europe Marija Pejčinović Burić emphasised the importance of such a court and said that the Council of Europe is now considering whether it should be the one to set it up together with Ukraine and other partners.

In addition, at a conference in Vilnius on Thursday, ten countries signed a convention of human and international rights on artificial intelligence, which is aimed at creating legal basis for regulating AI.

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