103 MPs voted in favour of denunciation of the convention, none voted against but 4 abstained.

Minister of National Defence Laurynas Kasčiūnas stressed that Lithuania is withdrawing from the convention as the geopolitical situation has changed.

„Such conventions are significant when all countries adhere to them. In this case the problem is that the Russian Federation, which carries out aggression against Ukraine and has imperialist ambitions, does not follow these rules,“ Kasčiūnas said at a parliamentary sitting.

„When we ratified the convention and joined it, it was a different time. Now everything is much more complex. Therefore, it would be very wrong if the country, preparing for its defence, would in advance declare what kind of capabilities it would not use,“ said Kasčiūnas.

The minister added that modern cluster munitions are much safer and consequences caused by them can be managed.

Lithuania had ratified the Oslo convention in 2010.

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