Public broadcaster LRT published results of the poll conducted by market research and public opinion firm Baltijos tyrimai. It revealed that 39% of respondents would approve Lithuania accepting migrants. Whereas 34% think that Lithuania should pay contributions to a special fund instead. 27% of respondents did not have an opinion on the matter.

It has transpired that the opinion on migrant resettlement mostly depends on a person’s social status. Pensioners, the unemployed, housewives, labourers and farmers are among the biggest opponents of Lithuania accepting migrants. Meanwhile, professionals, public servants and students have a more favourable opinion on the subject.

According to Deputy Minister of the Interior Arnoldas Abramavičius, people should not be intimidated by the annual quota of 158 migrants allocated to Lithuania compared with the number of incoming labour migrants.

„In 2015, Lithuania had a quota to accept 1,077 migrants. Compared with labour migrants arriving to Lithuania annually, who are granted temporary residence permits, the figure is truly minimal as every year around 50,000 labour migrants arrive. So in that case 158 should not be frightening,“ the deputy minister told LRT on Monday.

According to him, Lithuanian authorities are prepared for any challenge as the country needed infrastructure and migrants could be accommodated at the foreigner registration centre.

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