As we witness the rise of far-left and far-right populism in many Western nations, Lithuania remains a bastion of liberal democracy—a shining beacon of hope for those who continue their brave struggle for freedom and a testament to what courage and conviction can achieve.

In January 1991, as Lithuania bravely pushed the boundaries of Soviet colonialism, it paved the way for a democratic transformation that inspired millions across Eastern Europe. Vytautas Landsbergis and the Lithuanian people stood resolute, staring down the Soviet Goliath. Their bravery and leadership shattered the chains of Soviet oppression, opening the door to freedom for all of us. Without Lithuania’s defiant stand, the liberation of the Baltic states, and the collapse of Soviet tyranny, might have been delayed—or worse, never realized.

Lithuania’s commitment to democratic values and human rights may be even stronger today than it was during those fateful days. It is a cornerstone of regional and global leadership, championing oppressed peoples and standing firmly on the side of justice and freedom.It is a paragon of resilience, empathy, and solidarity.

In 2020, when Alexander Lukashenko unleashed a brutal crackdown on the Belarusian people, arresting and torturing thousands of innocent protesters and journalists, it was Lithuania that provided a safe haven. Courageous individuals like my frienn Vytis Jurkonis and countless others, stepped up to help Belarusian activists and opposition leaders, including Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, escape to safety. Lithuania’s unwavering support has given these exiled Belarusians a lifeline and a platform from which to continue their struggle for democracy. This extraordinary act of solidarity has not gone unnoticed in the democratic world. It is something of which every Lithuanian should be immensely proud.

Your nation has also extended a hand to Russia’s beleaguered pro-democracy movement. Despite scars from Soviet occupation, Lithuanians have shown remarkable willingness to support Russian dissidents and independent media challenging Vladimir Putin’s authoritarian grip. This solidarity transcends historical grievances, recognizing that a free, democratic Russia is essential for lasting peace in the Baltic region.

But such principled leadership comes with risks. The regimes of Putin and Lukashenko view Lithuania’s commitment to freedom as a threat. They will exploit opportunities to undermine public support for exiled activists and journalists, sowing discord and spreading disinformation to erode solidarity. They will exploit political divisions to advance their agendas and weaken Lithuania’s resolve.

Such a scenario unfolded in Estonia not so long ago, when the far-right, with its toxic mix of intolerance and pro-Kremlin sympathies, managed to gain a foothold in Estonia’s government. It was a dark period that tarnished Estonia’s international reputation and threatened our democratic progress. When offered a state honor by the Interior Ministry during that time, I declined in protest, unwilling to legitimize the far-right EKRE coalition. Fortunately, under the leadership of Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, Estonia has since reclaimed its moral standing, and the far-right has been pushed back into the political shadows.

Many European nations now face a similar challenge. Far-right and far-left movements have emerged across the continent, preying on grievances, anger, and fear. These movements - often aligned with the Kremlin - have been rightfully condemned for their intolerance, racism, antisemitism and extremism. They pose a serious threat to national cohesion and the international standing of their own countries. Until recently, many believed that commitments to democratic values provided a kind of immunity against such radicalism. But as we have seen over the past years, no nation, however principled, is fully immune to the allure of populist extremism.

In Lithuania, the antisemitic positions and statements of former parliamentarian and far-right leader Remigijus Žemaitaitis—who was found by the Constitutional Court to have violated his oath and the Constitution—have prompted strong reactions and concerns from the American Jewish Committee.

All European nations must remain vigilant. Victories for extremist movements embolden those who seek to undermine the values we’ve fought for. Succumbing to populist extremists plays directly into the hands of our enemies who dream of a Europe fractured and divided.

Lithuania’s moral clarity and steadfast leadership are more important now than ever. The democratic world looks to you for inspiration. Defending democracy requires constant vigilance and a refusal to compromise with those who would undermine our cherished principles.

The choices before us are clear: to continue leading with the courage and conviction in defence of freedom, democracy or to acquiesce to the illiberal forces of division, hate and intolerance. For the sake of future generations, and for all who believe in the promise of democracy, we must choose wisely.


Marcus Kolga is a Canadian-Estonian journalist, human rights activist and the founder of He led the Canadian Magnitsky campaign and was placed on the Kremlin’s sanctions list in March 2022.

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