Mazuronis, former leader of the Labour Party, has announced plans to participate in parliamentary elections with the Regions’ Party this October.

„It may be that I will run in elections with this party,“ he told ELTA.

He has not yet decided whether he is going to join the party itself but says discussions are ongoing.

Mazuronis noted that he had called for a merger of the two parties but the Labour Party refused this.

Meanwhile, Bukauskas told reporters Thursday that he is still a member of the Labour Party despite joining a new political group.

Mazuronis stepped down as chairman of the Labour Party after its failures in presidential and European Parliament elections earlier this year.

Labour Party’s founder Viktor Uspaskich in early July announced that he is returning as the party’s leader.

The Labour Party’s political group dissolved when MP Valdemaras Valkiūnas withdrew from it in June. A political group has to have at least 7 members.

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