MEP Gražulis told ELTA that he will complain to the European Court of Human Rights if he is not allowed to run for the Seimas. In that case, he said Artūras Orlauskas would be the party’s leading candidate, while Gražulis’ son would be ranked last on the party’s list of candidates.

Gražulis was impeached and removed from parliament last December after voting for another MP and thus grossly violating the Constitution. Following the Constitution and the Code on Elections, the politician was prohibited from standing as a candidate in elections to the Seimas for ten years. He could not run for president for the same reason in May 2024, but was elected to the European Parliament in June.

The Central Electoral Commission (VRK) confirmed to have received Gražulis’ election application. The VRK stressed that, based on the Constitution, MPs who are impeached and removed from office may not stand as candidates for parliament for ten years.

The Nation and Justice Union has announced that second on the list of its candidates is public figure Artūras Orlauskas, followed by party’s leader Naglis Puteikis, Algimantas Rusteika and former MP Rimantas Jonas Dagys.

The top ten also includes singer Romas Dambrauskas, former chairman of the National Road Carriers Association (Linava) Zenonas Buivydas, Ramojus Girinskas, historian Tomas Baranauskas, Rasa Pilvelytė and Algirdas Bacevičius.

Parliamentary elections will take place on 13 October.

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