„It seems to me that after today’s media reports there are grounds for approaching the Financial Crime Investigation Service over possible unjust enrichment,“ Skvernelis told reporters Thursday.

Meanwhile, representatives from the Farmers and Greens Union (LVŽS) intend to impeach MP Navickienė over her opaque ties to businesspeople and potential threats to national security. The Social Democratic Party (LSDP) may support the idea.

News website delfi.lt reported Thursday that real estate developer Eika is completing the construction of a business centre in the territory of Vilnius Airport for the company LITLAB. Mindaugas Navickas, husband of former social security and labour minister Monika Navickienė, is the main shareholder of LITLAB. Navickienė was a shareholder in 2012-2016.

Meanwhile, the Bank of Lithuania is carrying out an inspection of fintech company Foxpay and the Special Investigation Service (STT) has opened a probe into the company. Earlier, a governmental commission prevented Foxpay from acquiring LITLAB. Foxpay’s owner is Ieva Trinkūnaitė, the sister-in-law’s sister to Navickienė. The commission ruled that Trinkūnaitė did not meet the requirements of the Law on the Protection of Objects of Importance to Ensuring National Security.

According to media reports, Navickas joined the Board of Foxpay in 2022 and was its CEO from late 2023 until early 2024. He stepped down from the Board when the Bank of Lithuania launched an inspection.

News website 15min.lt reported that Trinkūnaitė’s partner Vilhelmas Germanas, who had been convicted of fraud, briefly worked at LITLAB as well. In addition, both Germanas and Navickas worked at iSun, a company group founded by Trinkūnaitė. Navickas had led other enterprises linked to Trinkūnaitė and Germanas, too.

15min.lt later reported that in 2023 then Minister Navickienė travelled to Dubai in a private jet together with Trinkūnaitė and her partner Germanas. Navickienė stepped down as minister once this information was published.

The trip to Dubai coincided with Swiss Wealth Management, one of Trinkūnaitė’s companies, selling Baltic Meat Industry to two residents of Israel and Dubai in February 2023.

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