“Occasional discussions, when something happens and then it is rushed to amend the Constitution, are very disgraceful and immature. Yet I understand that for my colleague Mitalas it is an election period, where one has to showcase himself desperately and say something, as elections are approaching,” Širinskienė told the radio station Žinių radijas on Friday.

According to the MP, there is no time for amending the Constitution in parliament’s current term of office, whereas the Freedom Party had four years to introduce its proposals.

MP Mitalas in an interview to Žinių radijas mentioned earlier this week that legislators should not have legal immunity from prosecution. He said so when commenting about parliament’s vote to lift immunity of Homeland Union’s MP Andrius Vyšniauskas. The latter is being investigated over misuse of spending allowances when he was working at Marijampolė Municipal Council. It is suspected that he provided forged documents to obtain EUR 2,100 from the municipality for expenses when he was a municipal councillor years earlier.

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