“I believe I should definitely get quite a few more votes. I would perhaps refer more to trust ratings, which are published regularly and which show that about 75% of the population support or approve of me. While the prime minister is favoured by about 25%,” Nausėda told LRT TV on Monday.

“Such a ratio would be a truly good result,” the incumbent president added.

Despite that, Nausėda said, the turnout will be the major factor responsible for results of the second round of the presidential vote.

“Some candidates are almost openly calling for paying no attention to the second round of the election, as it is roughly a foregone conclusion anyway. (&) People need to come to express their will, because that is the only way to make a president-elect legitimate,” Nausėda noted.

On 26 May, Incumbent President Gitanas Nausėda and Conservative nominee Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė will face off against each other in a run-off presidential vote, just like five years ago.

With votes from all the 1,895 polling districts counted, Nausėd won the first round of election with 44.19% and Šimonytė followed with 19.78%, according to the Central Electoral commission (VRK).

The voter turnout for the presidential election was 59.48%.

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