„Yes, some of Vance’s statements are a concern to us, (&) but it is one thing for people to speak when they are just candidates, and another thing when they come into power and feel the weight of it. Often those speeches are corrected,“ Asta Skaisgirytė told Žinių radijas on Tuesday.

Speaking about relations with the United States, the chief adviser highlighted that the goal of both Lithuania and Europe remains the same.

„We want the US in Europe to keep the transatlantic ties. In terms of security, a Europe without the US would be much weaker,“ Skaisgirytė stated.

Trump, the Republican nominee for the US president, has named Vance, a 39-year-old Ohio senator, his potential vice-president.

A fierce critic of Trump before the 2016 US presidential election, Vance is now one of the most steadfast supporters of the former president and one of the leaders of the party’s populist wing.

After winning a seat in the Senate in 2022, Vance has also been one of the most vocal opponents of aid to Ukraine. The politician told an interview he „does not care“ about what happens to Ukraine.

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