“Things look much more complicated now. I wish there was more goodwill and a real desire to resolve the problems,” Nausėda told reporters in Tallinn on Monday.

The president highlighted the importance of restoring the trilateral cooperation format between Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine.

“I would very much like to see new signals that show that the differences between Ukraine and Poland are fading and that we are returning to normal cooperation. I would very much like to see the restoration of the Lublin Triangle format, which worked well in the past,” Nausėda said.

Polish hauliers began blocking truck traffic at the three largest checkpoints on the border with Ukraine on 6 November.

Protesters demand reinstating the practice of permits for Ukrainian hauliers, which was abolished under an agreement with the European Union until 30 June next year.

The protest has led to tens of kilometres of queues of Ukrainian lorries.

On 23 November, Polish farmers joined the protest and started blocking freight traffic at one of the crossing points.

On Friday, Andriy Demchenko, a spokesman for Ukraine's State Border Guard Service, confirmed on a national telethon that traffic is blocked at four checkpoints and indicated that around 3,300 trucks are strained at the Polish-Ukrainian border.

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