'Today we have witnessed Russia’s criminal actions against Ukraine. We cannot remain indifferent to this unprovoked military aggression, which endangers millions of innocent people and undermines the foundations of international order', the Lithuanian president says in a statement.

He also adds that in this hour of anxiety, he and all Lithuanians are with the brotherly Ukrainian people.

'In the face of raging evil, we must stand united in solidarity and ready to counter back', he says.

G. Nauseda promises that 'Ukraine will not be left alone or by itself. It can continue to count on Lithuania’s full support'.

'Confronted by aggression in Ukraine, we are increasing our combat readiness. Ways to ensure this will be decided by the National Defense Council I have convened', he warned.

Lithuanian president also stressed that international support to Ukraine is also very important this day.

'Only a united and strong response by the democratic West can stop Russia. I have therefore already started active consultations on further actions with NATO Allies and European Union partners. Such action will have to include both active support for Ukraine and tough sanctions against Russia.

The future of entire Europe may depend on how we react in the coming hours and days. Therefore, I call on the people of Lithuania to remain calm and on state institutions to be extra vigilant and ensure the highest level of readiness. While there is no immediate threat to the stability of the Lithuanian state, we must properly assess the situation and act responsibly and in solidarity', he adds.

The president believes that 'never before Lithuania has been so strong and so well prepared to face external challenges together with our Allies'.

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