According to the ministry, 67,175 residence applications were examined this year while carrying out advance review and 20,410 of them were rejected due to identified shortcomings.

It has been noticed that applications for residence in Lithuania on the grounds of labour have decreased from Central Asian countries (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan). In July-August 2023, citizens of Central Asian countries submitted a total of 8,907 applications for residence in Lithuania on the grounds of labour. This year, there were 2,344 such applications.

In addition, 45 companies that did not adhere to requirements were prohibited from inviting foreigners to work in Lithuania.

In July-August 2024, the Migration Department checked 438 companies and 6,473 foreigners. A total of 1,400 protocols of administrative offences were issued. Most of them due to unlawful stay in Lithuania and violations of declaration of the place of residence.

In eight months of 2024, 11,574 temporary residence permits were revoked, this is 3.5 times more compared with 2023, when the figure stood at 3,419. In the aforementioned period, 5,822 foreigners were prohibited from arriving to Lithuania, nearly twice more than last year, when the figure stood at 3,174.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, approximately 116,000 foreigners work Lithuania currently, while the overall number of foreigners residing in Lithuania stands at around 220,000, including Ukrainian war refugees.

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