Monday, 22 July, was the final day for political parties to submit their applications to run in the parliamentary elections.

The parties are as follows: the Labour Party, Democrats For Lithuania, Christian Union, Freedom Party, Liberal Movement, Lithuanian Christian Democracy Party, Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania-Christian Families Alliance (LLRA-KŠS), Lithuanian People’s Party, Regions Party, Social Democratic Party, Farmers and Greens Union, Lithuanian Greens Party, National Alliance, Freedom and Justice Party, Nemunas Dawn (Nemuno aušra), „Young Lithuania“ (Jaunoji Lietuva) Movement for Forests, Nation and Justice Union (Centrists, Nationalists), Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) and Samogitian Party (Žemaičių partija).

The election watchdog also registered 79 candidates nominated by political parties and 18 independent candidates as independent political campaigners.

The candidates now need to fill in their application documents in the VRK’s information system by 9 August 5 p.m.

Political parties can also form a coalition and nominate a joint list of candidates before the deadline.

Lithuania will hold elections to the Seimas on 13 October.

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