„I am indeed grateful to the president of Lithuania for such appreciation of Gintautas Paluckas as a politician. And I am sure that our Social Democratic Party, in case of success, would have numerous candidates for the prime minister,“ MEP Blinkevičiūtė told the radio station Žinių radijas on Friday.

However, she stated that the LSDP has not yet discussed potential candidates to lead the Government.

„If we consider whether Paluckas is really ready and capable of working as the prime minister, I have no doubt about this,“ the LSDP leader concluded.

President Nausėda earlier said that if the LSDP wins elections to the Seimas this autumn, he would like Blinkevičiūtė to become Lithuania’s next prime minister.

Blinkevičiūtė, who was re-elected to the European Parliament on 9 June, will be the leading Social Democratic candidate in the Seimas elections, whereas Paluckas is second on the list of the party’s candidates.

A public opinion poll by Baltijos tyrimai in May showed that the LSDP would secure 17.2% votes in elections and would be the leading party, ahead of the Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD), which were polling at 10.3% in May.

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