On Wednesday, the Board decided that the political groups of the Farmers and Greens (LVŽS) and Democrats For Lithuania will set the agenda for a sitting to be held on 24 September.

The political groups of the Social Democratic Party and Regions Party and a group of non-attached MPs will be responsible for the opposition’s agenda on 5 November.

„One sitting per month is dedicated to the opposition’s agenda. The current Seimas has approximately two months left to sit. It follows that the opposition has two sittings in store,“ MP Jurgis Razma, first deputy parliamentary speaker, told ELTA.

The Seimas will begin its autumn session on 10 September.

Plenary sittings are planned until mid-November, with MPs tentatively scheduled to end their work on 14 November.

Lithuania will hold elections to the Seimas on 13 October.

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