Seimas Speaker Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen said the three-hour sitting will start at noon on 13 August.

„The main items are well-known ones. The first one is oaths of office of two new ministers, which is why the extraordinary session is urgently needed. We will also hear a statement from Prosecutor General Nida Grunskienė concerning the legal immunity of MP Andrius Vyšniauskas and the Seimas will need to decide on that,“ Čmilytė-Nielsen briefed the Board of the Seimas at the sitting on Wednesday.

As earlier reported by ELTA, President Gitanas Nausėda signed a decree on the new Cabinet lineup on Monday evening, after meeting with candidates for two of the 14 ministers earlier in the day.

The president approved the prime minister’s nominations of Kazys Starkevičius as agriculture minister and Aurimas Pečkauskas as health minister. The ministers-designate will now need to be sworn in by the Parliament to take office.

A week ago, Prosecutor General Grunskienė formally asked the Seimas to lift MP Andrius Vyšniauskas’ immunity from prosecution amid a pre-trial investigation into his expenses as councillor at Marijampolė city municipality. He allegedly forged documents to report his expenses of EUR 2,100, according to the prosecutor.

The Seimas Statute lays down that extraordinary sessions are convened by the parliamentary speaker, following a written proposal by at least a third of all 141 MPs.

The president can also call an extraordinary session of the Seimas in cases provided for in Articles 142 and 144 of the Constitution.

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