The LSDP leader told reporters after the meeting that the party hopes to secure as many seats in parliament as possible after elections in October. She added that a potential coalition was not discussed with the head of state.

„The president simply wished success, for Social Democrats to have a big majority in the Seimas. For that I am very grateful to the head of state,“ she told reporters.

The MEP said that the hour-long meeting discussed problems faced by the Lithuanian people, from healthcare, to pensions and education, and how to solve them.

According to Blinkevičiūtė, positions in the Government were not discussed as this was a premature matter that would be addressed after elections.

Furthermore, the LSDP leader denied rumours that president’s chief foreign affairs adviser Asta Skaisgirytė might become the next foreign minister.

Speaking about potential coalitions, the LSDP leader reiterated that her party would not form a coalition with the Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian-Democrats (TS-LKD) or with the Lithuanian People’s Party (LLP) and some others.

Blinkevičiūtė added that she does not envision Remigijus Žemaitaitis, leader of the party the Nemunas Dawn, as a member of the Government because of some of his statements.

Žemaitaitis resigned from parliament in April 2024 to avoid impeachment and removal from office after the Constitutional Court had ruled that his antisemitic statements online constituted a gross constitutional violation and a breach of oath.

Asked whether Žemaitaitis might hold high-ranking duties in parliament, the LSDP leader replied that this had not been discussed.

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