„In July-August, inspections were carried out in 438 companies. In 2024, a total of 1,800 companies were inspected, assessing how people work, if they have permits. And around 40,000 working individuals have been checked,“ the minister told the radio station Žinių radijas on Thursday.

„There are two things that we have to do. First is to ensure national security and the other is to stop unlawful work, attempts to circumvent all the procedures,“ she added.

Asked what would happen with 11,000 people whose residence permits in Lithuania were annulled, the minister said that the decision would be enforced by the Migration Department, the State Border Guard Service (VSAT) and the police.

The Ministry of the Interior earlier reported that 36,000 foreigners were not allowed to live and work in Lithuania this year.

According to the ministry, 67,000 residence applications were evaluated and 20,000 were rejected due to shortcomings.

In addition, in eight months of 2024, 11,574 temporary residence permits were annulled and 5,822 foreigners were prohibited from arriving to Lithuania.

The ministry said that approximately 116,000 foreigners are currently working in Lithuania, while the total number of foreign citizens residing in Lithuania stands at 220,000, including Ukrainian war refugees.

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