„A day after the storm, the situation in Vilnius District has not improved, and it has even worsened in some places. Thousands of people are still without electricity, and water supplies are limited. Sewage disposal systems are also disrupted,“ Vilnius District Mayor Robert Duchnevič said on Facebook on Tuesday.

The mayor also said utility companies will provide drinking water and wastewater treatment to residents of the most affected settlements. Social workers will visit the most vulnerable people to see if they need any urgent help.

Works continue to remove fallen trees and branches from public places, Duchnevič added.

On Tuesday, the Akmenė district municipality announced a municipal-level emergency in its entire territory due to heavy rain and strong winds.

Earlier reports by the authorities said gravesites had been flooded and slopes of the Papilė II mound had caved in.

Audrius Klišonis, acting head of the Lithuanian Association of Local Authorities, said the storm hit individual parts of the country differently and each municipality was dealing with the situation independently.

„The municipalities are doing their job. This is not the first time, so we will do that job. The municipalities are autonomous, they are able to manage. In some cases, there are emergencies and municipal emergency commissions designed for this purpose and they are able to react in time,“ Klišonis told ELTA on Tuesday.

The association head also said he has not yet heard any indications from other municipalities about the need to declare a state of emergency.

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