„We are working at full speed and both the previous and the current ministers have been making a real effort to deliver on our commitments,“ Nausėda told reporters on Wednesday.

„I have also spoken at political level about the fact that yes, the process is very fast, that we are doing it at an accelerated pace. So I would like to answer this question in this way – we are doing everything we can to make sure that there is no Plan B [activated], that there is Plan A only,“ the president underlined.

In mid-July, Business Insider reported the brigade in Lithuania might become operational later than planned due to infrastructure-related delays. Responding to the report, National Defence Minister Laurynas Kasčiūnas assured that the brigade is planned to reach full operational capability in 2027.

General Valdemaras Rupšys, who ended his term as chief of defence last week, told Verslo žinios on Monday that Plan B of preparations for hosting the German brigade should be made ready.

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